5 Tips to Achieving a more Eco-friendly Film Set

Want a more Eco-friendly film set, but you’re not sure where to start?
Here are 5 tips to help you achieve that:
- Stop Wasting: Now, I am not just talking waste such as paper, plastic, food scraps, garbage, and energy. I am also talking about perfectly good, leftover food that most producers send to the trash can. People are starving all across the world and stopping hunger is something I’m very passionate about as well.
I suggest purchasing aluminum food pans with lids, so that leftovers can go to cast and crew members, or to local homeless shelters. - Reduce Waste and Recycle: One way to reduce waste is to start using reusable water bottles and food containers. Provide these bottles or glass jars, with the movie title on them. This can be a great gift and promotion for the film.
You should also use recycling bins for cast and crew, and minimizing single-use plastics and packaging whenever possible.
Encourage the use of biodegradable and compostable products whenever possible. I know this is extra work, but in the long run, it is worth it. There should be a bin for plastics and Aluminum.
Now, if you live in a place that actually converts garbage to energy, then don’t stress about recycling everything … that energy will be put to good use. Check your local SWA center for details. - Choose Sustainable Materials and Props: I always try to use eco-friendly materials and props that are ethically sourced and/or biodegradable.
It is best to prioritize materials that can be recycled or reused after filming wraps, and consider repurposing or renting props instead of purchasing new ones.
Ask your cast or crew members if they can volunteer their personal items to used on your film set. It helps save money and prevents waste. - Implement Green Transportation: Until my dream of water or magnet powered cars become available, I suggest minimizing your carbon emissions by promoting carpooling.
You could rent electric or hybrid vehicles for transportation, and arranging shuttle services for cast and crew. Whenever feasible, you can encourage remote work and virtual meetings to reduce the need for travel to and from the set. - Support Local Communities: You can source goods and services from your local communities and businesses. This helps in reducing the environmental impact of transportation and supports the local economy. Consider donating leftover materials and equipment to local organizations or charities to minimize waste and benefit the community.

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And there you have it, five tips to achieving a more eco-friendly film set. I hope that helps you with pre-production planning.